iPhone moving. real time tracker (6h). used TrackLog today. visitor watching tracking maps.
What is a iFrame?With an iframe you can integrate a page from an other web site in your own site.TrackLog provides Tracking Maps for iFramesIf you have your own blog, or maintain the website of bike club, then you will be able to integrate a tracking map on your page very easily. All visitors of your page will then find all members, who carry their iPhone, on this map.Address for the Tracking Map,175,1817This address must be entered into the iframe as the source. Parameters for the AddressUserlistuser is the neccessary parameter. This is a comma separated list of user ids who should appear on the map. You will find the ids here Group group is the neccessary parameter. All members of this group will appear on the map. You will find the ids here Optional Parameters lat, lon these parameters center the map to this latitude / longitude position in case no user to track is online. maptype sets the map type: 0 -> Roads, 1 -> Satellite, 2 -> Hybrid, 3 -> Terrain. zoom Sets the zoom level (default = 12). delay sets the time delay in seconds. iFrame FeedbackIf you integrate a TrackLog Map into you Website, please let me know. I will then put a link to your site into the 'TrackLog > User Links' page.iFrame ExampleUserlist<iframe src=",175,1817&lat=51.5074&lon=6.36608" width="700" height="400"> </iframe> Gruppe <iframe src="" width="700" height="400"> </iframe> The result looks like this: Activity List of a GroupThis iframe contains a list of all active members of a group. As soon as a member chooses the activity stop in TrackLog, he / she will be removed from this list. If it is a long time since a member has uploaded data, he / she is overdue. The background becomes red. On a click on the name of a member, a map with the last known location appeares.Address of an Activity List address must be entered into the iframe as the source. Parameter for this AddressCompulsory Parametergroup ID of the group. You will find the ids here Optional Parameter activity walk | bike | car | fly. If you ommit this parameter TrackLog searches for any non-stop activity. msg This text appeares in case no member is active. Example of a Activity List<iframe src="" width="180" height="100" > </iframe> |